John Perkinsジョン パーキンス 教授

San Diego State University, San Diego, California, (U.S.A.), B.A. in Psychology; New School for Social Research, New York City, New York (U.S.A.) M.A. in Media Studies; Royal Society of Arts Certificate in TEFLA.

Assistant Professor at Tokai University, (Foreign Language Center; International Studies Department; Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering Department)

I currently have three separate areas of interest: Firstly, in the field of Media and Politics, secondly in the areas of Environment and World Trade, and Democracy and Human Rights, and finally in the factors of autonomy and competence in learner motivation.

The main focus of my present research concerns how new media is re-shaping global politics. The political environment is being changed through the increased use of social media and social networks. My research specifically focuses on changes in political behavior, i.e. 'backstage' behavior becoming 'frontstage' behavior and the effects on democratic and human rights movements.

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I have always had an interest in people and ideas. As a child I was interested in different countries and cultures, and this curiosity led me to different areas of study; i.e. from Psychology to Media Studies and finally to language. My grandfather was a lawyer and my father was a broadcaster. In both of those professions, linguistic skill and communication ability is important. This family background stimulated my interest in law and media and I now am able to combine those two research areas through teaching.。

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I am interested how the media portrays global political issues. My focus is in the personal media of social networking and how it is changing the global political environment. For example, when we watch television or listen to the radio, the information we are receiving has been decided by a government, a corporation, or a limited number of people with power. With social media, the information is more likely coming from people like you. The individual is both the consumer and producer of information. The flow of information is now multi-directional not one-way. How does this trend change what governments and politicians can and cannot do?


The rewards I get from my research interests are many. First of all, I must think critically about the issues I am looking at. We all want to be passive sometimes and just accept what others tell us to believe. My research forces me to look at all sides of an issue with a critical mind. And this is what I want my students to do also. It’s not always easy. In fact, it’s hard to question what we see and hear. It takes energy to gain insight into something. However, it stimulates our minds and we feel more confident in discussing issues because we have looked at all sides. And it is good for the future of the world. If people don’t question, then nothing changes and life is less interesting.

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Graduate school is important because of the depth of thinking it involves. To look deeply into an issue of interest to you is one of the most rewarding activities in life. To be able to challenge yourself by going beneath the surface of a topic and really thinking, critically thinking, about an issue, is very rewarding. It gives you a confidence you may not have an opportunity to attain anywhere else. In addition, you are surrounded by people who share your interest. These people become important to you because they challenge you to be the best you can be. And through that challenge they become partners in your journey. It’s always important to surround yourself with people who will help you grow into the best person you can be. Graduate school will do that for you.


I try to create a classroom environment that is supportive yet challenging. In life, your journey always involves others. The classroom should be a place for developing competence, cooperation and collaboration. However, to achieve this cooperative environment, individual students must also be autonomous, independent learners. Graduate students must take the initiative and expand on what the instructor gives them. It is not enough to passively listen and take notes. The graduate student must be fully engaged and questioning. Always thinking critically and always willing to get more information on their own. This is autonomy and independence. Once the information has been researched, then each student becomes a teacher who presents the research results or findings. This is competence. Then, we must help other students understand the information we have researched. We must learn from one another. This is cooperation. Finally, with the help of others, we integrate all the resources and achieve our goals. This is collaboration.

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International politics involves many things, but two issues seem to be the most important. First, the connection between the environment and world trade. Nations must trade with one another to grow economically. However, this trade often has serious environmental consequences. The politics involved in creating a balance between the two is crucial for the continued health and well-being of the global population. Secondly, the connection between Democracy and Human Rights. The stresses on governments to provide for their populations are many, and difficult choices must be made. The rights of humans and their input into those choices are two of the most important global issues now and in the future.


I do both indoor and outdoor activities on the weekend. As for the indoor activities, I enjoy reading and playing the piano. My piano playing may be rather painful for most people to listen to. I also work on my computer too much. As for the outdoor activities, I like hiking in the hills near our house, swimming and just being in the sun.


I hope that my students would come to my class with an open mind with a curiosity for learning. My job as a teacher is to try and make the lessons interesting and to provide opportunities for acquiring language skills and knowledge about the world. The student should be willing to experiment and express themselves without being afraid of differences of opinion. This can be achieved by being an autonomous learner and improving critical thinking skills. The teacher is responsible for providing opportunities for growth. The student is responsible for using those opportunities as an independent researcher.